Friday, December 25, 2009

Sam's First Christmas

Sam's first Christmas was a wonderfully busy one. He spent Christmas Eve at Grandpa Dennis and Grandma Pat's --- we were fortunate enough to also have Uncle Ben stop in. Sam got to see Grandma make her famous "Kraut Burgers". Later that evening we opened presents and Sam received a lot of fun things for his bath time. On Christmas Day we woke up at Grandpa Terry and Grandma Billie's and had breakfast with the family. Sam opened his presents from Santa and the family and received even more great gifts. We stopped by his Great-Grandparents "MawMaw" and "PawPaw" before coming back to the Grandparents for dinner. At this point Sam was exhausted as he had over 24 hours of intense family visiting from both sides. It was a great Christmas and one that we will remember forever.

 Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma's was a great way to start Sammie's holiday adventure.

Christmas Day was spent in Owenton where Sam was greeted by a few dozen members of his family.

MawMaw was surprised at how big Sam has gotten. She did a great job rocking him, as always.

Poodle, MawMaw, Billie, Lana and PawPaw enjoyed their Christmas with Sammie.

Sam was really tired but rallied for one more calorie filled meal at Grandma's.

Sam continues to have an infatuation with his "Jungle"

Sam seemed to love his presents --- even the ribbons.

Sam was loaded up and ready to return to his crib by the end of his adventure. He loved seeing his family and had a perfect first Christmas.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Getting Ready for Sam's First Christmas

Posting over 2 dozen new pictures here of life everyday with our baby Sam. He is continuing to grow and is becoming more vocal. He seems to be more interested in his toys now. He's also fascinated by the other baby in his mirror --- something that is very cute to watch. Leah is going back to work (part-time) and he is going to start going to a babysitter during the day while she is at work. We're looking forward to sharing Christmas with Sam and our families.

Sam supervised Daddy putting up the tree to make sure that I did it correctly.

Sam continues to root on the Bengals but still can't quite say "Who Dey"

You can see how pretty Sam's blue eyes are getting. They get lighter every week.

As you can imagine Sam loves the lights on the Christmas tree.

Sam has really started to suck on his thumb.

Sam is a really happy baby. He is hilarious and cracks us up.

Sam is fascinated by mobiles.

I told you he was hilarious.

He has really been working on his tummy time.

Sam is a pretty good buddy.

We think he's a pretty cute baby.

Leah has really enjoyed her time with Sam while she has been on maternity leave.

Sam and we say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone who reads our blog!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sam's Photoshoot

Our friend Jennifer was kind enough to do a photoshoot for our baby Sam. A few of her many excellent pictures are posted below. We can't thank her enough for taking these which we will always cherish. Enjoy.