Thursday, October 28, 2010

My New Ride

13 months. Since our last post we have been busy as usual. We went to the World Equestrian Games with the family and although Sam didn't really watch the horses he still had a great time. We also bought bikes for mom and dad and a Burley trailor for Sam (which pulls behind one of the bikes). We have taken Sam out in his new ride and he really likes it so far. He also now has 2 additional teeth and has a 5th tooth coming in as well. He can now almost run around the house and is getting better at saying his favorite (and first) word: baa-woon (balloon).

Mom and Dad bought me a sweet new ride. I love it!
We went to the horse games. There were lots of stairs to climb and I even found a few new friends.
My uncle Ben came down to stay with me for the weekend. It was great seeing him! He brought me a volleyball.
I like being naked!
I am starting to ride my rocking horse.
Eating is fun. But mom and dad say I make a mess.
I went home to the farm and had a great time.
This is a sneak peek of my Halloween costume.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sam Goes to the Zoo and Pumpkin Patch

1 year, 0 months. So far this week we have gone to the pumpkin patch and zoo. First we went to the pumpkin patch and Sam helped us pick out some pumpkins and gourds for the fall. Yesterday we went with Grandma to the Cincinnati Zoo and Sam absolutely loved it --- although I think he liked seeing the little kids as much as the animals.

The pumpkin patch was great!
There was a horse there. I'm starting to like them a little more.
The wagons were a lot of fun. I helped Mom and Dad pick out the perfect pumpkins.
Here we all are at the pumpkin patch!
Pumpkins are fun!
I am getting tall!
I now have my own toothbrush since I have a few teeth!
I liked this alligator statue at the zoo. I tried to feed it my sock.
This gorilla was funny looking!
Daddy and I really liked these goats.
The animals were awesome. These elephants were pretty cool.
Its just my size.
Grandma and I had a blast!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sam's 2nd First Birthday

1 year, 0 months old. We wrapped up Sam's birthday extravaganza by having his second birthday party for his first birthday. This party was mainly attended by his little friends. We also took him to a petting zoo which was met with mixed emotions from the Sam man. He continues to walk more and is getting faster and more coordinated every day.
 Hello everyone! Welcome back!
 It was great seeing some family at my second 1st birthday.
 Yum! Icing!
 This is my friend Arya. She's really nice.

 My mom made me another construction cake. It was tasty!

 Dad took us on wagon rides. It was fun!
 Ty and I shot some hoops.
 I'm still a little climber.

 We went to the petting zoo. I didn't like it as much as Mom and Dad thought I would.
 I tried on my UK hat.
 I like to climb inside my toy basket now.
 I like pushing my cooler in front of me when I walk.
 Here I am with my cousin Micah.
 I like climbing on my cousin Guy.
 My great uncle Pat and I shared another birthday cake.
 I can throw my football while I walk!

I still am infatuated with my dog.